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what's the most intimate thing you've experienced?

Kylynne Zeleah

by the time this article comes out it would already have been National Woman's Day, SO HAPPY BELATED NATIONAL WOMAN'S DAY!!! i asked my girlfriends baes baddies 10s queens about their most intimate experiences, in hopes to highlight the beauty of life and intimacy in the different ways they experience love and connection.

ashley lee

i was on Jeju Island with my mom. it was the summer before junior year and my mom and i were just exploring the coastline near our Airbnb when the sun was getting ready to set so it was kinda like golden hour. we just sat by the water and watched the sun sink while sunlight reflected onto the ocean while talking and it felt like the world was so unreal and i felt really close to my mom.

emma avenia

one of my closest friends understands me so deeply that she will say things about me in conversation that i always felt, but could never put into words or begin to explain to someone else. she knows why seemingly simple things get on my nerves and understands my frustration because she’s seen the places it stems from. it’s deeply touching to have someone notice and accept the things you keep hidden away in your back pocket just from a look.

angelica bracamontes galvan

feeling my boyfriend’s patience and effort. gestures, gifts, and all that kind of stuff are things i’ve always received in the past and it’s easy to think of those things when it comes to romance. my boyfriend is the first person who i’ve been with that has made me feel the most comfortable with anyone, but i really felt this the most after we almost broke up. instead of calling it quits or giving up on us, he kept going and kept trying to improve himself for my sake. he didn’t cheat or anything so don't worry…but we were just in a spot where i felt so depressed and tired. we’re not perfect yet, but even when i doubt his efforts, he comes back stronger than before. i always thought i’d be too much to handle for anyone, but he makes that thought never occur to begin with. and that’s what i think is the most romantic and intimate thing i’ve ever felt.

natalie florentino

the last day my entire friend group was gonna be together before we went to college we went to this park we love and we peddled a swan boat together. that was pretty romantic and i cherish that moment a lot because we were all enjoying and appreciating each other and it felt like a good way to mark the end of that era.

noelle pond

mmm my brain goes straight to relationships so i’d say probably developing a relationship with her because she treats me very gently and respects my boundaries without making me feel guilty. in previous relationships i have never felt as safe as i do now. so i'd say how respectful she is to me in general, and for a more specific example we were going on a date and she stopped somewhere before the date and brought us out our favorite bobas by surprise which was a really kind gesture because it showed me she cares and listens to what i like.

lindy nunnally

in high school i had art class with my best friend every year and art was our thing, we did it in school together and out of school together so whenever we needed inspiration or a reference we would just turn to each other. i have tons of art work that are of her or like her hand or something and same for her of me. we would always just say we were each other muses and even to today, though we are not physically together, we reference each other a lot in our work.

emilia cafiso

photo by Sofia Moteleb
photo by Sofia Moteleb

for whatever reason, i adore it when someone sits down and takes the time to hear what i have to say. it could be as innocuous as what i did that day to something i desperately need to rant about. at the end of the day, i’m a yapper. as much as i love a gorgeous bouquet, i much more enjoy it when i can tell my partner what i genuinely think about whatever it may be.

kylynne manganti

an entry in my journal i wrote on November 27, 2024: the first day i bought this journal i wrote in it at Washington Square Park. in the middle of my first entry, a guy came up to me and asked me what true love is. i was stumped. i don't know what true love is at all, but now maybe i do. i didn't have an answer before. i don't even remember what answer i told the guy. i'm discovering true love isn't in the hands of a great lover i meet after moving across the country. maybe, true love is a good plate of tacos from Cali Spartan Tacos. maybe, true love is going to the gas station with Aira and buying ice cream. i think it would be amazing to be in love with a romantic partner, but i still don't think that's what true love is. true love isn't being in love, it's life's gifts. true love is the fuckin spicy vodka pizza from Prince St. ok.... maybe i'm really hungry.... yeah......

jas randhawa

receiving hand written love letters sealed with pretty red wax,, journal entries about me, poems, etc. that has to be like my favorite maybe top 3.


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